Queen’s Club Casino is one of Boss Media’s latest offerings, with the same beautiful 3D-rendered graphics that you’ve come to expect from them, combined with high-quality multiplayer games and tremendous support services.
Boss Media’s multiplayer software has proven itself to be in a class of its own – no muss and fuss with clunky avatars or silly wasted time walking to various rooms just to play a game. If I wanted to walk into a room I would go to Las Vegas… not with Boss Media – if you want to chat with others you simply type in the box below – and you have the ability to make rooms private if you wish!
Also known as Queen’s Club at Monte Carlo, this Dadu Online casino provides the usual selection of Boss Media games – blackjack, jacks or better video poker, roulette, slots, progressive slots, baccarat – all with the highest quality of graphics available in any online casino today.
Following my usual pattern, I tried out blackjack – which seemingly plays more fairly than the other blackjack games I have played anywhere else. No wondering how the dealer managed to snatch a 21 out of nowhere when you had 20… no sudden losses when you raised your bet or doubled down… everything played just as I would expect it to at the tables in Vegas. I made a few bucks here and decided to proceed on to some of the other games.
Jacks or better video poker has lately become one of my favorite games, as it provides an opportunity to hit a large win for a small investment, yet at good casinos provides a very low house advantage. I did okay here too but it was apparent that, while the royal flush pays 5000, the regular hands pay less, and that probably would have hurt me had I played for the long run. So what the heck, off to the next game.
Being a recent convert to the world of progressive slots, I headed on over to the progressive slot banks, sat down and – this is one of the good things here – chose which denomination I wished to play for. Cheap Charlie here decided to play the quarter slots because, after all, the objective was to review the game and the casino, not break the bank.
I found the progressive slot machines to be reasonable – never hit anything remotely big, and even when the bonus screens came up I always won the smallest or next smallest of the five payouts available. But I did manage to make my money last quite a while here, and I have heard that some friends have nothing but the most incredible runs of luck playing these machines – wish it would happen to me sometime!
Roulette? Ok, why not – just for the heck of it, I played once, betting 1-18, even, red, 14. Came up 21 – aw shucks! Didn’t win a single bet but I’m sure the game is quite fair, and the graphic layout easy to use. Beware, though – this roulette table does not take quarters… $1 is the minimum bet.
By this time I was convinced that the games were quite good, so I headed off to play some normal slots before retiring… and my belief was reinforced as over a reasonable amount of time I broke even. Just didn’t stay long enough for the big payoff, I suppose…
Support at Queen’s Club is of a high standard – you can normally expect responses to your requests within a few hours. The payment system, like all Boss Media casinos, is processed by WebDollar (www.webdollar.com) and is very efficient – winnings usually credited within a few days. The check is the cheapest transaction – $1 to process – and seems to be the favored method of payment. I personally prefer ACH or wire transfers, so I hope one day these costs will be lowered as in fact they incur less overhead to process. Remember that you have to request a PIN by snail mail for cumulative deposits of more than $500, or any withdrawal – this is for your protection only, but being the impatient sort I hope that Webdollar comes up with a faster alternative soon. Wonder how much a telegram costs…